Monday, October 24, 2016

A Digital World

   Today's lecture was something I was really interested in learning about. The internet is an extremely large portion of a high schoolers life with a history that I didn't know much about. The internet, to us, is how we communicate, how we get our homework done, how we spend our time and how we will eventually get our names out there. We were not around to witness what the world without the internet is like and it will only keep advancing in our lifetime. It has been growing since October 29, 1969 when it was born and will continue to do so unless it is wiped out by a disaster that it is incapable of enduring.

    There are multiple things about the internet that set it apart from other medias we have talked about. Since it is portable, we can have a digital world at our fingertips at every moment. This allows us to follow the news all of the time and be able to pick up our video or story where we left off due to it's nonlinear quality. It's incredibly easy for us take for granted the information we can access without any cost because we have never known otherwise, but this was an unbelievable advance. Thanks to Tim Burners Lee's invention of Hyper Text, we can even navigate our way through the internet through links and a mouse. These elements and others explain why this digital world is such a large part of our lives.

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