Thursday, September 8, 2016

10 Elements of Journalism

           Before learning about the 10 elements, I thought I had journalism figured out. Now I know I was wrong. These elements introduced me to the complex, in depth, incredible world of journalism. There were several elements, like truth, that I was already familiar with. It seemed obvious to me that journalists should always be truthful because democracy is depending on them to inform the citizens. It’s a journalist's job to be loyal to the people and to put them before customers and employees because, as a journalist, you are their voice. The news must be reported to every group of people in an unbiased format, no matter their ethnicity, religion, race, or political beliefs. For this reason, the information that you put out must be verified, credited, and sourced. If there are not multiple witnesses and sources, people will begin to wonder if the information is even true. 

         In my opinion, the elements above require character and the guts to stand alone. Other elements, like Watchdog, are based on the duties of journalists and rules they must follow. Watchdog means keeping an eye on the powerful people like corporations and politicians. When something happens to a group with power, you will almost always find it in headlines on the news or in newspapers. A place for the public to share feedback, positive or negative, should always be provided and negative feedback should be encouraged. As citizens begin to want more and more entertainment news, Journalist’s have to work even harder to balance their wants with their needs. I know I always skip past boring, lengthy articles that don't jump out at me in any way, so I find it crucial that important articles are kept interesting. 

        Journalism is delivering news that people can count on. The news cannot be blown out of proportion or made seem less of an issue then it is. Journalists have the power to touch an incredibly mass audience, but so does anyone else who puts illogical news on the internet. The real journalists will sort through the rumors and find the truth. They will speak their mind and openly voice their opinions, and they won't be kept from exercising their conscience. I've learned so much through ten elements and can't wait to keep traveling through the world of journalism.

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