Thursday, September 15, 2016

How the Printing Press Shaped our World

     We often take for granted what we know will always be accessible. Although every time we read out of a textbook or step into Mr. Millers room, we are reminded of the gift of the printing press, it is ever so easy to forget. A world before it would be incredibly difficult to endure now that we are aware of the many benefits it created. These benefits shaped our world into what it is to this day.

      Thanks to the printing press, the amount of people that are literate has sky rocketed. Since people could read, they were able to form their own opinioms and beliefs about the bible, which caused religion to branch out. Also, citiznes were no longer willing to put up with injustice from tyrants and they began to speak out and protest, like Martin Luther did against the church. In my opinion, this is one of the most important benefits of the press because it created democracy, the form of government used in the United States. Without the Prining Press, the world would lack diversity, something that helps us to appreciate every culture, race, and religion.

    Another benefit of the Printing Press is our ability to share scientific and technological advances. This keeps one society from getting too far ahead of another society.The United States has made many advances of our own, but we would still be extremely far behind if we didn't know about the advances being made in other countries. This lack of communication would also inhibit trade, which is crucial in making our economy run smoothy.

    Most importantly, without The Printing Press, I would not be typing up this blog. I would not walk in to J1 every other day and I would not have even applied to this program. Why? Because this program would not exist. Neither would any program involoving journalism because journalism would have never been created. If people couldn't read and nothing could be printed, there could not be a newspaper or magazine. There would not be the technological advances to watch the news on your television. Now, when you step into Mr. Miller's classroom, take a second, like I recently have, to remember why you are sitting there and to thank the Printing Press for shaping our world.

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